amaroK 1.4: Rediscover More of Your Music
Thursday, 18 May 2006
The amaroK team have announced the official release of amaroK 1.4, and the launch of the Fast Forward series, the cheeky successor to the well-received Airborne series. Fast Forward comes with improved media device support, featuring enhanced iPod support that handles the latest iPod devices, support for IFP/IRiver devices, a new plugin for generic media devices, and the ability to handle as many of these devices as you'd like.
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amaroK 1.3 Reviews
Sunday, 25 December 2005
It seems to be review time for amaroK. The amaroK team is thrilled to see amaroK way ahead of the pack in a recent Grumpy Editor review on, in which the author describes the best and worst features of four popular Free Software audio players. The review points out some of the weaker features of amaroK and the developers have written about how they are addressing some of the issues mentioned. amaroK has also had an audio review on the GNU/Linux User Show No. 27. The author describes most of amaroK's features and shows once again that the slogan "rediscover your music" fits perfectly. You download the review at their website, or by adding the podcast to amaroK.
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amaroK Project Introduces SVN Service
Thursday, 17 November 2005
Are you an amaroK script developer or are you developing a KDE application that should not be in KDE's Subversion for various reasons? We have the solution. The amaroK project is proud to announce the amaroK Subversion server, a service for amaroK script developers, launched as a thank you gesture to all the supporters who donated to the project during its fundraiser. We hope this will encourage the awesome amaroK community in their extremely valuable amaroK script writing.
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amaroK Live 1.3 Released with Open Music
Tuesday, 4 October 2005
The amaroK team would like to announce the immediate release of version 1.3 of the innovative amaroK Live CD. This complete operating system is a unique collaboration between Free Software and Open Music that runs entirely from a single CD. The live CD comes with a fully functional copy of the amaroK music player bundled with tracks from Magnatune, the German artists Paniq & Snooze and the Norwegian performer Ugress.
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