
Tectonic: An Outlook on KDE 4

Friday, 10 March 2006
South African Free Software magazine Tectonic published a preview of KDE 4. Written by AJ Venter of South African distribution OpenLab the article describes how the KDE developers are going to "rewrite the desktop rules with KDE 4" with technologies such as Plasma, Solid and of course Qt 4. The article concludes that "when KDE4 comes out, it will spell the end of the traditional way of using a computer". Read More

Hai Ti Comic Teaches KDE

Tuesday, 26 April 2005
Today's copy of Namibian newspaper The Namibian comes with a computer education comic featuring KDE. Named Hai Ti ("Listen up!" in the Oshiwambo language), the comic features the super-hero like SchoolNet project showing student and teachers their KDE desktop. Read More

F/OSS and KDE in Africa

Friday, 26 March 2004
54 people from 15 African countries and 16 facilitators/helpers from outside Africa gathered in Okahandja, a small Namibian town, for African Source from 15th of March to 19th of March 2004. African Source was the first all African conference of Free Software/Open Source Software (F/OSS) developers. Vladimir Petkov (GNOME) and Uwe Thiem (KDE) presented the current state of the open source desktop, its strengths and shortcomings. Read More