KDE in Linux Distributions

More KDE 2.0 Binaries Available (Yes, RedHat 6.2 too)

Several of you have written in to note that Red Hat 6.2 rpms for KDE 2 are now available here. A full list of KDE 2.0 binaries for the various distributions/versions is below -- if you know of any more please add a comment. Remember, folks, these rpms are not built by the KDE Team. Update: 11/06 10:16 PM.

KDE packages already in Debian

Debian Weekly News confirms it: "KDE packages are pouring into Debian. All of the core of KDE is already present in unstable, and more packages are sure to follow. This unexpected turn of events is due to a change in the license of Qt 2.2 -- Troll Tech released it dual-licensed under the GPL -- the KDE licensing issue is finally resolved." They have a lot of catching up to do if the ~700 KDE apps catalogued by apps.kde.com are any indication.