Trolltech Releases Qt and Qtopia Core 4.3

Qt Blog reports that Trolltech has released version 4.3.0 of Qt, its cross-platform development platform, and Qtopia Core, its basis for embedded application development. Major new features include QtScript, an ECMAscript standard application scripting engine, replacing QSA; SSL support; improved OpenGL engine; more flexible main window architecture; ability to both render and generate SVG images and a new font system.
More on the new features from Trolltech with full changelog available. Get it from Qt downloads.

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by autocrat (not verified)

Why do the downloads for Qtopia Core Open Source Edition only show 4.2.3?

by AC (not verified)

I guess they haven't updated their website, but you can still find it here:

by katakombi (not verified)

anybody managed to get the kde-copy qtwin patch for vs express to work?
It applies but the makefiles are somewhat errorenous and will fail before linking the first DLL (qtcore4)