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Updated: 29 min 24 sec ago

Apus [Global Themes (Plasma 5)]

Sat, 2024/03/23 - 2:38pm
Apus Global theme. Dark theme, with lines combined in two tones, lilac and bluish. Apus Plasma theme:...

Apus [Plasma Themes]

Sat, 2024/03/23 - 2:37pm
Dark theme, with lines combined in two tones, lilac and bluish

Apus [Plasma Window Decorations]

Sat, 2024/03/23 - 2:37pm
Aurorae theme for Apus plasma theme. Based on McMojave by Vinceliuice https://github.com/vinceliuice/McMojave-kde

Apus [Plasma Color Schemes]

Sat, 2024/03/23 - 2:37pm
Apu's color-schemes for Apus plasma theme https://store.kde.org/p/1264370/

Apus [Kate]

Sat, 2024/03/23 - 2:36pm
Color scheme for kate from the global theme for plasma Apus. https://store.kde.org/p/1737857/

Girl with headphones [Wallpapers KDE Plasma]

Sat, 2024/03/23 - 2:36pm
Girl with headphones. Suggested for Apus theme. https://www.pling.com/p/1737857/

Apus [Konsole Color Schemes]

Sat, 2024/03/23 - 2:35pm
Apu's konsole for Apus plasma theme https://store.kde.org/p/1264370/

Apus Colors V1.5 [Wallpapers KDE Plasma]

Sat, 2024/03/23 - 2:35pm
Wallpapers for Apus v1.5 plasma theme.

Time Progress Bar [Plasma 6 Calendars]

Sat, 2024/03/23 - 1:15pm
A progress bar plasmoid for your KDE Plasma desktop (only Plasma 6) showing the progress of time. Inspired by the year progress bar, it can show...

Public IP Address [Plasma 6 Applets]

Sat, 2024/03/23 - 12:23pm
Plasma 6 widget for showing information about your [B]public IP address[/B] and the [B]status of your VPN[/B] (active/inactive). This is useful...

sahkoporssi [Plasma 5 Applets]

Sat, 2024/03/23 - 10:06am
Shows the current price of electricity in Finland. GitHub repo link: https://github.com/vil/sahkoporssi-widget

Temporary Virtual Desktops [KWin Scripts]

Sat, 2024/03/23 - 7:15am
Fork of original wsdfhjxc's script, adopted to Plasma 6. Changes to the original script: * ( Default) No spare empty desktop - create a new...

Frosted [Plasma Themes]

Sat, 2024/03/23 - 6:39am
High contrast dark theme that follows the system color scheme

Tela circle icon theme [Full Icon Themes]

Sat, 2024/03/23 - 6:38am
[b] Tela circle Icon Theme [/b] Circle version icon theme of Tela: [url]https://www.pling.com/p/1279924[/url] You can use this theme on all...

OS Catalina [Full Icon Themes]

Sat, 2024/03/23 - 6:27am
[h2]Please up vote or press the plus sign to show your support.[/h2] born as a fork of "Mojave CT" and find the best imitation of macos catalina....

Uos Dark [Deepin V20] [Full Icon Themes]

Sat, 2024/03/23 - 6:26am

Windows-Beuty [Full Icon Themes]

Sat, 2024/03/23 - 6:24am
icon set based on windows-eleven and with some modifications to use in windows 12 theme

Deepin Icons 2022 [Full Icon Themes]

Sat, 2024/03/23 - 6:24am
Based on Fluent by vinceliuice, and inspired by the next deepin OS icons. [b]merits to the original...

windows-eleven [Full Icon Themes]

Sat, 2024/03/23 - 6:23am
win 11 based icon set by yeyushengfan258 and Eleven-icon-theme by kuroe-hanako, inspired by original microsoft windows 11 icons, I recommend its...