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Updated: 15 min 53 sec ago

KDE-Story-Blue-Dark-Global-6 [Global Themes (Plasma 6)]

Sat, 2024/03/16 - 12:41pm
[COLOR="#4e51ac"] [B]KDE-Story-Blue[/B] [/COLOR] [COLOR="#008080"] [B]Dark[/B] [/COLOR] [COLOR="#aa55ff"] [B]Global[/B] [/COLOR] [COLOR=#0079b5"]...

Gradient-KDE-Story-Blue-Dark-Icons [Full Icon Themes]

Sat, 2024/03/16 - 12:39pm
Icons for Dark Plasma Themes Adapted for "KDE-Story-Blue-Dark-Plasma" and "KDE-Story-Blue-Dark-Global-6" __________________________ Dark...

KDE-Story-Blue-Dark-Aurorae-6 [Plasma 6 Window Decorations]

Sat, 2024/03/16 - 12:38pm
Dark Rounded Window Decorations For Plasma 6 ______________________________________________________________________ BLUR Dark Rounded Window...

KDE-Story-Blur-Blue-Dark-Aurorae-6 [Plasma 6 Window Decorations]

Sat, 2024/03/16 - 12:37pm
BLUR Dark Rounded Window Decorations For Plasma 6 Dark Rounded Kvantum Theme [COLOR="#008b8b"] [B]KDE-Story-Blue-Dark-Kvantum[/B] [/COLOR]:...

plasmusic-toolbar [Plasma 6 Applets]

Sat, 2024/03/16 - 11:32am
KDE Plasma widget that shows currently playing song information and provide playback controls. - Show the currently playing song's title and...

Spotlight [KWin Effects]

Sat, 2024/03/16 - 9:49am
Shake your mouse, and a spotlight will help you find the...

Lain login spashscreen [Plasma 6 Splashscreens]

Sat, 2024/03/16 - 8:56am
Lain-inspired login splash screen

Overload login splash [Plasma Splashscreens]

Sat, 2024/03/16 - 8:53am
A cool login splashscreen with a loading animation and geometric line art

Alterra login splash [Plasma Splashscreens]

Sat, 2024/03/16 - 8:53am
Subnautica-inspired login splashscreen

Lagtrain gruvbox login splash [Plasma Splashscreens]

Sat, 2024/03/16 - 8:52am
A boot splashscreen from this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UnIhRpIT7nc recolored to fit the gruvbox theme

Penrose triangle login splash [Plasma Splashscreens]

Sat, 2024/03/16 - 8:51am
Login splashscreen with a penrose triangle on a purple background

Futura Icon Pack [Full Icon Themes]

Sat, 2024/03/16 - 7:28am
Futura Icon Pack is a Futuristic icon pack for Linux / Unix. Futura inherits / is the combination of some of the popular icon packs: Kora...

Psion [Global Themes (Plasma 6)]

Sat, 2024/03/16 - 6:56am
Psion is not Steampunk. Works well as a setting for Gruvbox Dark themed apps (https://github.com/morhetz/gruvbox) and Buuf icons. Suggested...

Psion [Plasma Color Schemes]

Sat, 2024/03/16 - 6:21am
Part of global theme.

Temporary Virtual Desktops [KWin Scripts]

Sat, 2024/03/16 - 5:50am
Fork of original wsdfhjxc's script, adopted to Plasma 6. Changes to the original script: * No spare empty desktop - New virtual desktop by...

Quick Tile Wide [KWin Scripts]

Sat, 2024/03/16 - 5:41am
Quick Tile Wide allows to tile windows to sides and corners similar to Quick Tile, but places them in 3 columns instead of 2 columns. This is most...

Desktop Indicator [Plasma 6 Applets]

Sat, 2024/03/16 - 3:05am
A minimal virtual desktop indicator to be used as an alternative for a Pager.

Buuf Plasma [Full Icon Themes]

Fri, 2024/03/15 - 10:54pm
Buuf is artwork originally drawn by mattahan [https://mattahan.tumblr.com/] and modified by Shirakawasuna...

Buuf Plasma [Full Icon Themes]

Fri, 2024/03/15 - 10:54pm
Buuf is artwork originally drawn by mattahan [https://mattahan.tumblr.com/] and modified by Shirakawasuna...

Fallout Pip-Boy Animation [Plasma 6 Splashscreens]

Fri, 2024/03/15 - 10:46pm
Show the Pip-Boy boot animation as a splashscreen. YouTube video (by thug4life2005): https://youtu.be/p0m51yPbM6I?si=TNLfLGLHfNi2Nm1r