Feed aggregator

Fancy-Color-Plasma [Plasma Themes]

KDE Store - Wed, 2024/01/24 - 2:51pm
Round Plasma Theme, Transparent and Blur, Follows Color Scheme. Enabled Blurred Widgets and Adaptive Transparency for Plasma...

Fancy-Dark-Icons [Full Icon Themes]

KDE Store - Wed, 2024/01/24 - 2:50pm
Icons for Dark Plasma Theme [URL="https://www.pling.com/p/1598649"]Fancy-Plasma[/URL] Based on Default [COLOR="#5e81ac"] [B]Breeze[/B] [/COLOR]...

Fancy-Color-Aurorae [Plasma Window Decorations]

KDE Store - Wed, 2024/01/24 - 2:49pm
Window Decoration, Follows Color Scheme (Window Background) Dark and Light, for the Plasma Theme ...

Fancy-Blur-Aurorae [Plasma Window Decorations]

KDE Store - Wed, 2024/01/24 - 2:48pm
[B]BLUR Dark Window Decoratons (Aurorae Theme), Customized for the Kvantum Theme[COLOR="#5e81ac"] [B]Fancy-Kvantum[/B] [/COLOR], which you can...

Fancy-Aurorae [Plasma Window Decorations]

KDE Store - Wed, 2024/01/24 - 2:48pm
[B]Dark Window Decorations (Aurorae Theme), Customized for the Plasma Theme[COLOR="#5e81ac"] [B]Fancy-Plasma[/B] [/COLOR], which you can download:...

Lisa [Global Themes (Plasma 5)]

KDE Store - Wed, 2024/01/24 - 2:02pm
Look-and-Feel theme. Light global theme, with orange and yellow gradient tones. Panel rounded at its edges. Lisa Plasma theme:...

Lisa [Plasma Themes]

KDE Store - Wed, 2024/01/24 - 2:01pm
Light plasma theme, with orange and yellow gradient tones. Light variant of Otto Theme. Lisa Global: https://store.kde.org/p/1370894/ Lisa...

Lisa [Plasma Window Decorations]

KDE Store - Wed, 2024/01/24 - 1:59pm
Aurorae theme for plasma theme Lisa. Based on McMojave by Vinceliuice https://github.com/vinceliuice/McMojave-kde

Lisa [Plasma Color Schemes]

KDE Store - Wed, 2024/01/24 - 1:58pm
Color Schemes for Lisa Plasma theme Lisa Global: https://store.kde.org/p/1370894/

Lisa [Konsole Color Schemes]

KDE Store - Wed, 2024/01/24 - 1:58pm
Konsole Color Schemes for Lisa Plasma theme

Lisa [Kvantum]

KDE Store - Wed, 2024/01/24 - 1:56pm
Kvantum theme for Lisa Plasma theme. Based on KvAdaptaDark by Tsu Jan -...

Lisa-V2 [Wallpapers KDE Plasma]

KDE Store - Wed, 2024/01/24 - 1:56pm
Suggested wallpaper for Lisa themes. https://store.kde.org/p/1370894/

Lisa [Wallpapers KDE Plasma]

KDE Store - Wed, 2024/01/24 - 1:55pm
Wallpaper for Lisa themes. https://store.kde.org/p/1370894/

Shadows-Global [Global Themes (Plasma 5)]

KDE Store - Wed, 2024/01/24 - 1:48pm
Dark Round Global Theme, Transparent and Blur. Enabled Blurred Widgets and Adaptive Transparency for Plasma 5.23 ___________________ Icons...

Shadows-Plasma [Plasma Themes]

KDE Store - Wed, 2024/01/24 - 1:48pm
Dark Round Plasma Theme, Transparent and Blur. Enabled Blurred Widgets and Adaptive Transparency for Plasma 5.23 ___________________ Icons...

Shadows-Dark-Icons [Full Icon Themes]

KDE Store - Wed, 2024/01/24 - 1:47pm
Icons for Dark Plasma Theme [COLOR="#56638b"] [B]Shadows-Plasma[/B] [/COLOR] , which you can download:...

Shadows-Light-Icons [Full Icon Themes]

KDE Store - Wed, 2024/01/24 - 1:46pm
Icons for Light Plasma Themes Icons for Dark Plasma Themes [COLOR="#56638b"] [B]Shadows-Dark-Icons[/B] [/COLOR]:...

Shadows-Aurorae [Plasma Window Decorations]

KDE Store - Wed, 2024/01/24 - 1:45pm
Dark Window Decorations (Aurorae Theme), Customized for the Plasma Theme[COLOR="#56638b"] [B]Shadows-Plasma[/B] [/COLOR], which you can download:...

Adflatus [Plasma Color Schemes]

KDE Store - Wed, 2024/01/24 - 11:32am
A highly adaptive and versatile color scheme for KDE Plasma. It's supposed to be a hybrid of Material-You and Catpuccin. It will look totally...

Glass of water [Full Icon Themes]

KDE Store - Wed, 2024/01/24 - 8:20am
Стакан воды Used icon Oxygen Team, Human-O2 by schollidesign, MAC OS X by balasakthi, OSX BY N00bun2, Faenza by Matthieu James, OSX-Nostalgie &amp...