
KDE Commit-Digest for 20th January 2008

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In this week's KDE Commit-Digest: Taskbar and KMenu functionality from KDE 3.5 returns to the Plasma panel, and work on clocks in Plasma, with the move of the binary-clock Plasmoid to kdereview. Improvements in annotation handling in Okular (which has been officially capitalised). Essential support for viewing bug contents in the rewrite of KBugBuster.

KDE Commit-Digest for 6th January 2008

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In this week's KDE Commit-Digest: Final commits for KDE 4.0 Final before the tagging freeze. KDE 4.0 Final tagged for release. Lots of optimisations and bugs fixed across KDE. Kickoff menu items can now be added to the Plasma desktop or panel. Improved resize and rotate for Plasma applets. Document list sorting in Kate.

KDE Commit-Digest for 9th December 2007

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In this week's KDE Commit-Digest: The "simple menu" (similar to the menu found in the KDE 3 series) becomes usable. The clock receives a popup-based calendar widget, with KRunner becoming multi-threaded in Plasma. Work continues the long-awaited update of KBugBuster, with important development milestones reached. Version Control and other general work in KDevelop.