OSNews.com: The Big freedesktop.org Interview

Waldo Bastian talks about KDE's involvement in freedesktop.org as part of a larger interview with several major players of the interoperability and common infrastructure movement. Waldo knocks down certain myths and covers everything from accessibility to the DCOP-inspired D-BUS.

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1. The Java version is for installing Java software
2. It sucks, it just a way to install software into a directory and find the location of some resources. It doesnt solve any of the real problemsor doesnt do anything that Loki's Setup doesnt do...

by Alex (not verified)

Don't listen to havoc, he is clearly clueless as one of the Authors fo autopackage.org explains in the comments section. This project, once completed will be far better than any current solution today.

Read the interview with AutoPackage.org's project leader:

by Maynard (not verified)

Havoc clearly said he is not an authority on autopackage.

One concern I do have is how well it will play with rpm and deb. I think it is a very good solution for developer packaged apps which include all the libraries they need to run, and will like to be registered on the system. i.e., good for stuff like commercial apps. For things like distribution provided stuff, I do not see how it is better than the current systems. I would need to be educated more I guess.

by Alex (not verified)

Autopackage will attempt to use a package build specifically for the distro it is being installed on if available. SO for debian it will try to find a .deb for what is being installed and for SuSE a rpm so that the packages can be as integrated as possible.

by mike (not verified)

Well if they want to compete with microsoft -- the big dogs they better come up with something as MOST of the windows users they want to capture as customers will ABSOULETLY NOT put up with comand lines and compiling ETC. They either make linux user friendly for the casual computer user as most of their market will be or the can give it up now as they will never be more than a novelty.

by sleepkreep (not verified)

Completely agree Mike. I think that if linux ever stands a chance, the software for it need to become distro neutral. Autopackage has the potential to do this. Autopackage will evolve into very powerful software as they are planning to integrate it with alh all current ways of installing software (RPM,DEB,ETC.). Of course we have the gcc issues but I think that will work itself out eventually. Unfortunately developers have to change their software to support autopackage. This means that if autopackage stands a chance, developers have to start supporting it. But I think with the progress that autopackage is making, this will start to happen more and more. Of course, the way to really get autopackage in quick development, and get the supported app list to grow, is if KDE integrates it into the next release. This is an issue because autopackage isn't really ready yet. But personally I think this is OK because they promise backward compatibility. Of course this system also ensures that you will have the lastest software available. You won't have to wait for an RPM that is most likely a few versions old. Imagine having a front-end on your desktop that you can search a DB on kde-apps.org for software and install it just by clicking. This would be awesome! And it could monitor for newer versions for you!

by Daniel (not verified)

A couple of additional possibilities for Linux installation:

BitRock http://bitrock.com Also for Windows, OSX, etc.
Loki Installer http://www.lokigames.com/development/setup.php3 For Linux and other Unix platforms.

by Tim P (not verified)

I am a Linux Newbie and you guys are right . I am working to make the jump but I can not install the basic software to get started.As an ex windows moron I find this line item stuff a challange to quickly learn..

by zkascak (not verified)

I am also relatively new to linux. I was raised on Windows, switched to Mac and now am making the move to Linux. The only drawback to a complete switch is the fact that I have had to compile any type of software I wanted. Why hasn't the group that determines what is included in the different kernel releases created a standardized system for software installation and just give it a name like linux installer. This is mostly just venting so ignore the entire reply.