KDE Traffic #76 is Out

After a long break, KDE Traffic is back. KDE Traffic #76 includes tons of news about KMail, KOffice, Konqueror, K3b, KolourPaint and more of your favorite KDE apps. Check it out!

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by Brad Hards (not verified)


I guess I am just one of many who appreciate (and appreciated) KDE Traffic.

Please try to find the time to keep putting it together - KDE Traffic, along with the CVS summary, are great resources.


by David (not verified)

My God yes. Reading through traffic and deciding what would be relevant to people must be a heck of a task.

by charles (not verified)

Anyone knows whether this release will have [any trace of] kexi code? Just anxious. Cb..

by OI (not verified)

What would make KMail a kick ass mail-app would be a search-bar
just like in mozillamail.

The one that searches instantaneously when you start typing,
just above the message-list.

by anonymous (not verified)

Sorry you're too late. KMail CVS already has it. ;)

by OI (not verified)

Hehe. Great work guys!

by a.c. (not verified)

Please check the kst html demo. It opens as text.

by BojanZ (not verified)

When is KDE 3.2.2 going to be released?I know it was scheduled for 3 April,but I don't see any KDE 3.2.2.
So,the main question,WHEN?

by ac (not verified)

as of today, debian unstable has it

by Anonymous (not verified)

It was never scheduled to be released 3rd April, that was the tag date and it happened 1 or 2 days later. You can build KDE 3.2.2 from CVS. Binary package creation interfered with Easter.

by Ismael (not verified)

It's also available in the Updates for Fedora Core 2 Test 2.


by Alex (not verified)

When will the official announcement be made?

by Anonymous (not verified)


by Alex (not verified)

Where is all of this top secret information? =p

by André (not verified)

Kolourpaint 1.0 was MS Paint style, but will the program stay as it is (like MS Paint) or will further features get added? Is there a roadmap?

by Clarence Dang (not verified)

> Kolourpaint 1.0 was MS Paint style, but will the program
> stay as it is (like MS Paint)
The flavour of the interface will be maintained.

> or will further features get added? Is there a roadmap?
Yes, see kdegraphics/kolourpaint/TODO. Expect new icons
by Kristof Borrey, more polish and more image effects.

by gerd (not verified)

Is it possible to detect the language of a email? I once saw an algorithm that worked pretty well.

by Ingo Klöcker (not verified)

Why do you want to detect the language of an email? Is this for incoming mail (to filter by the language)? Or is this for message composition (so that automatically the correct dictionary is used)?

Anyway, some time ago someone wrote that he would write a language detection based on a language detection algorithm written in Perl (?) which uses trigrams (sequences of three consecutive character) for this. Nothing happened so far.

"I think the splash screen should be removed. Nobody has disagreed with this opinion so far. If the splash screen stays, Cornelius and I think it needs to be modified so that it does not "hard code" components and the Groupware Client text."

Personally I like the idea of having a Splashscreen in Kontact, and I think it should be an option if people are really against it. Kontact doesn't load instantly so a splashscreen makes sense to me anyway.

Also, if you remove the splashscreen it will anger a lot of artists who worked very hard to create a better spalsh screen for the "Kontact Splashscreen Contest" on KDE-LOOK.org http://www.kde-look.org/news/index.php?id=103

Check out some of the awesome entries:

This is some fantastic artwork which is sure to impress anyone who oppens Kontact with such a splashscreen and is infinetly superior to the current splashscreen. Don't let their work go to waste, and don't make a mockery of the Kontact Splashscreen Contest.

Don't worry, you are late.

The consensus is that Kontact still needs a splash screen.

The replies to this message in the kde-pim mailing lists were the origin of the kontact contest. kde-pim developers are already evaluating the entries to decide the new splash screen.

So keep up the good job!

Carlos Woelz

by Joergen Ramskov (not verified)

I've missed it a lot!

Thanks for providing this excellent info about KDE!

by standsolid (not verified)

This traffic mentions Luke Randall making a nifty screenshot for kontact with crystal icons


i found it