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Season Of KDE 2024 Projects

Planet KDE - Mon, 2024/01/15 - 12:00am

It is a really impressive Season of KDE this year: We have selected a total of 18 projects!

To all of our new contributors, thank you very much for your drive to gain experience and improve FOSS at the same time. The mentors and mentorship team, as well as the broader KDE community, are sure you'll create something fantastic over the next 10 weeks.

Figure :

Group photo of several members of the KDE community at Akademy 2022 in Barcelona, Spain. The KDE community enthusiastically welcomes all new contributors! (Image: CC BY 4.0)

Translation Projects

KDE counts on a very active translation community and translates software into over 50 different languages. In SOK 2024, we have 2 projects to translate multiple apps into Hindi:

They will be mentored by Benson Muite and Raghavendra Kamath.


Kdenlive brings you all you need to edit and put together your own movies. We have 2 projects for KDE's full-featured video editor:

They will be mentored by Julius Künzel and Jean-Baptiste Mardelle.

KDE Eco / Accessibility

There are 5 new projects that will make measuring the energy consumption of software easier and more integrated in the development pipeline. This will help make KDE software more efficient and environmentally friendly, as well as more accessible at the same time:

They will be mentored by Karanjot Singh, Emmanuel Charruau, Nitin Tejuja, Rishi Kumar, and Joseph P. De Veaugh-Geiss.

Cantor / LabPlot

Cantor is an application that lets you use your favorite mathematical programming language from within a friendly worksheet interface, while Labplot is KDE's user-friendly data visualization and analysis software. Both projects are closely intertwined, and have had 8 projects approved for SOK:

They will be mentored by Alexander Semke.


KWin is the window manager for KDE's Plasma desktop and it is what gives you complete control over your windows. KWin has had 1 project selected:

They will be mentored by Xaver Hugl.

The 18 contributors will start developing on January 17 under the guidance of their mentors. SOK will end March 31. Check out the full SOK 2024 timeline.

Let's warmly welcome all of them and make sure their journey with KDE is successful!

You will be able to follow the progress via blog posts published on KDE's planet.

Bubble Date [Plasma 5 Calendars]

KDE Store - Sun, 2024/01/14 - 10:33pm
simple plasmoid showing date

Bubble Date [Plasma 5 Calendars]

KDE Store - Sun, 2024/01/14 - 10:33pm
simple plasmoid showing date

colorful bird [Wallpapers KDE Plasma]

KDE Store - Sun, 2024/01/14 - 10:27pm
photograph created with the AI ​​of a colorful bird on a background of flat colors and a reduced palette, although it is an AI creation, the ske...

colorful bird [Wallpapers KDE Plasma]

KDE Store - Sun, 2024/01/14 - 10:27pm
photograph created with the AI ​​of a colorful bird on a background of flat colors and a reduced palette, although it is an AI creation, the ske...

Elementary Kde [Full Icon Themes]

KDE Store - Sun, 2024/01/14 - 10:21pm
icon set based on Qogir by vinceliuice, and elementary-KDE-retouched by nim7' In addition to the combination, icons specially designed for this...

Elementary Kde [Full Icon Themes]

KDE Store - Sun, 2024/01/14 - 10:21pm
icon set based on Qogir by vinceliuice, and elementary-KDE-retouched by nim7' In addition to the combination, icons specially designed for this...

Apple Sonoma V3 [SDDM Login Themes]

KDE Store - Sun, 2024/01/14 - 10:05pm
Theme that imitates the appearance of the macOS Sonoma login screen, unlike v1 and v2, it has contrast in the text, an implementation that is...

Apple Sonoma V3 [SDDM Login Themes]

KDE Store - Sun, 2024/01/14 - 10:05pm
Theme that imitates the appearance of the macOS Sonoma login screen, unlike v1 and v2, it has contrast in the text, an implementation that is...

plasmoid Almanac [Plasma 5 Calendars]

KDE Store - Sun, 2024/01/14 - 9:38pm

plasmoid Almanac [Plasma 5 Calendars]

KDE Store - Sun, 2024/01/14 - 9:38pm

Chaac Weather [Plasma 5 Weather]

KDE Store - Sun, 2024/01/14 - 8:58pm
Widget that uses the free open meteo API to display the current weather, with a simple design. and in some cases, you won't have to intervene in...

Chaac Weather [Plasma 5 Weather]

KDE Store - Sun, 2024/01/14 - 8:58pm
Widget that uses the free open meteo API to display the current weather, with a simple design. and in some cases, you won't have to intervene in...

We10X icon theme [Full Icon Themes]

KDE Store - Sun, 2024/01/14 - 4:16pm
[b]We10X Icon Theme[/b] A colorful Design icon theme for linux desktops ------------------------------ You can use this theme on all popular...

We10X icon theme [Full Icon Themes]

KDE Store - Sun, 2024/01/14 - 4:16pm
[b]We10X Icon Theme[/b] A colorful Design icon theme for linux desktops ------------------------------ You can use this theme on all popular...

Windows11-White Global Theme [Global Themes (Plasma 5)]

KDE Store - Sun, 2024/01/14 - 4:05pm
Windows11-White kde is a White clean theme for KDE Plasma desktop. In this repository you'll find: Aurorae Themes Kvantum Themes ...

Windows11-White Global Theme [Global Themes (Plasma 5)]

KDE Store - Sun, 2024/01/14 - 4:05pm
Windows11-White kde is a White clean theme for KDE Plasma desktop. In this repository you'll find: Aurorae Themes Kvantum Themes ...

Windows11-White Plasma Theme [Plasma Themes]

KDE Store - Sun, 2024/01/14 - 4:05pm
Windows11-White kde is a White clean theme for KDE Plasma desktop. In this repository you'll find: Aurorae Themes Kvantum Themes ...