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My work in KDE for January 2024

Planet KDE - Wed, 2024/01/31 - 12:00am

Now it’s full circle, a whole year of KDE has started again! This is a bit of a smaller post, for two reasons. First I have begun stripping out of the less interesting stuff I do - like really boring bugfixes, whoop. Secondly, I’ll be busy at $work for the next few months and I don’t know what my schedule is going to look like yet.

Plasma #

Bugfix Finished up Aleix’s QML API for Layer Shell Qt, and exposing it via a proper installable QML module. This is only useful for developers. 6.0

Feature Working on adding a simple tablet tester to the Drawing Tablet KCM, modeled after a certain KDE application’s own. 6.1

The new Tablet Tester The new Tablet Tester

Feature Also working on adding a configurable pen pressure curve, allowing artists to tweak the pen pressure curve of their pen or eraser. It will have two fully-controllable points of articulation and two partially-fixed points for adjusting the thresholds. 6.1

What configuring your pen pressure curves could look like! What configuring your pen pressure curves could look like!

Bugfix Fix camera-video-symbolic being coloured wrong, when using dark color schemes like Breeze Dark. I also fixed document-send-symbolic using the wrong icon at 16x size. 6.0

The fixed camera icon The fixed camera icon The fixed send icon The fixed send icon

Bugfix I added more common keywords for Screen Locking settings. 6.1

Bugfix Removed some Wayland-techno terminology from Drawing Tablet settings, “Pen buttons” should be called that. 6.1

KWin #

Feature I opened a merge request for the necessary things on the KWin side needed for configuring pen pressure. 6.1

Tokodon #

The next major release is upon us, so I started doing some last-minute bugfixing. This is also when we branch, so I can start breaking strings again! I hope to start adding new features next month.

Feature There has been an excess of bug reports of people using Tokodon without a way to store passwords. And if you use Tokodon on Android, it would be helpful to enable notifications but we have no way to ask you yet. To solve both of these problems (and possibly more in the future) I added a new initial setup flow. Said system will also prevent you from starting Tokodon without a way to save account data, hopefully preventing more of these bug reports in the future! 28.04?

Part of the new initial setup flow, UI to be improved on in the future of course. Part of the new initial setup flow, UI to be improved on in the future of course.

Feature Tokodon now warns you when you’re viewing a private post, noting that this affects replies in an unusual way. I want to add more tips about Mastodon and ActivityPub-isms to work around these issues that are out of our hands. 28.04?

What the tip looks like in Tokodon What the tip looks like in Tokodon

And now some smaller stuff:

PlasmaTube #

Same as Tokodon, I’ve been doing some more bug-fixing in preparation for the February mega-release and will continue to do so.

Kongress #

Bugfix Fixed two instances of broken section headers. 24.02

NeoChat #

Bugfix The room list now hides subtitle text when there is none, slightly improving the alignment. 24.02

The fixed alignment for rooms The fixed alignment for rooms

Bugfix Improved the look of the search message dialog, like I did for the Explore Rooms dialog before. 24.02

The header is now properly coloured and separated The header is now properly coloured and separated Frameworks #

Bugfix Fixed symbolic icons being wrongly matched with a non-symbolic fallback, even if a symbolic version of said icon exists. This notably will fix lots of wrongly coloured icons in the system tray. 6.0

Bugfix Small improvements to the Kirigami platform plugin error message. This means that it’s easier to debug this issue when you give us logs. 6.0

Websites #

I spent some time trying to put in some small improvements to our Human Interface Guidelines, many of them are merged now but still need to take care of the rest.

Smaller stuff #
  • Updated Konvex to Qt6, I still plan on sitting down with it and getting it ready for review.
  • Participated in the AMA today.
  • Rebased and integrated lots of fixes that were stalling due to lack of an author around to rebase.

I hope to see you next month with more KDE stuff!

Sweet KDE [Global Themes (Plasma 5)]

KDE Store - Tue, 2024/01/30 - 11:39pm
A dark and modern theme for Plasma [h2][B][color=#FF0000]¡IMPORTANT![/color][/B][/h2] [B] Hi, if you are really enjoying these themes from me and ...

Uniform [Full Icon Themes]

KDE Store - Tue, 2024/01/30 - 8:29pm
Uniform+ add-on for MATE. Basis Uniform Icon by 0rAX0. There are 99% icons for programs (60% icons act. mim. stat.), from the repositories Debian...

Uniform [Full Icon Themes]

KDE Store - Tue, 2024/01/30 - 8:29pm
Uniform+ add-on for MATE. Basis Uniform Icon by 0rAX0. There are 99% icons for programs (60% icons act. mim. stat.), from the repositories Debian...

Andromeda [Global Themes (Plasma 5)]

KDE Store - Tue, 2024/01/30 - 7:02pm
A modern dark theme with a taste o f the universe for kde based on my...

Andromeda [Global Themes (Plasma 5)]

KDE Store - Tue, 2024/01/30 - 7:02pm
A modern dark theme with a taste o f the universe for kde based on my...

Andromeda Plasma [Plasma Themes]

KDE Store - Tue, 2024/01/30 - 7:02pm
A modern dark theme with a taste o f the universe for plasma based on my...

Andromeda Plasma [Plasma Themes]

KDE Store - Tue, 2024/01/30 - 7:02pm
A modern dark theme with a taste o f the universe for plasma based on my...

Andromeda Aurorae [Plasma Window Decorations]

KDE Store - Tue, 2024/01/30 - 7:02pm
A modern dark theme with a taste o f the universe for aurorae based on my...

Andromeda Aurorae [Plasma Window Decorations]

KDE Store - Tue, 2024/01/30 - 7:02pm
A modern dark theme with a taste o f the universe for aurorae based on my...

Sweet Mars KDE [Plasma Window Decorations]

KDE Store - Tue, 2024/01/30 - 7:01pm
Aurorae theme to fit my Sweet theme for [url=https://www.pling.com/p/1393498/]plasma[/url] and...

Sweet Mars KDE [Plasma Window Decorations]

KDE Store - Tue, 2024/01/30 - 7:01pm
Aurorae theme to fit my Sweet theme for [url=https://www.pling.com/p/1393498/]plasma[/url] and...

Magna-Dark-Global [Global Themes (Plasma 5)]

KDE Store - Tue, 2024/01/30 - 6:52pm
[COLOR="#4e51ac"] [B]Magna[/B] [/COLOR] [COLOR="#008080"] [B]Dark[/B] [/COLOR] [COLOR="#aa55ff"] [B]Global[/B] [/COLOR] [COLOR=#0079b5"]...

Magna-Dark-Global [Global Themes (Plasma 5)]

KDE Store - Tue, 2024/01/30 - 6:52pm
[COLOR="#4e51ac"] [B]Magna[/B] [/COLOR] [COLOR="#008080"] [B]Dark[/B] [/COLOR] [COLOR="#aa55ff"] [B]Global[/B] [/COLOR] [COLOR=#0079b5"]...

Magna-Dark-Plasma [Plasma Themes]

KDE Store - Tue, 2024/01/30 - 6:52pm
[COLOR="#4e51ac"] [B]Magna[/B] [/COLOR] [COLOR="#008080"] [B]Dark[/B] [/COLOR] [COLOR="#aa55ff"] [B]Plasma[/B] [/COLOR] [COLOR=#0079b5"]...

Magna-Dark-Plasma [Plasma Themes]

KDE Store - Tue, 2024/01/30 - 6:52pm
[COLOR="#4e51ac"] [B]Magna[/B] [/COLOR] [COLOR="#008080"] [B]Dark[/B] [/COLOR] [COLOR="#aa55ff"] [B]Plasma[/B] [/COLOR] [COLOR=#0079b5"]...

Magna-Dark-Icons [Full Icon Themes]

KDE Store - Tue, 2024/01/30 - 6:51pm
Icons for Dark Plasma Themes __________________________ Icons for Light Plasma Themes [COLOR="#008b8b"] [B]Magna-Light-Icons[/B] [/COLOR]:...

Magna-Dark-Icons [Full Icon Themes]

KDE Store - Tue, 2024/01/30 - 6:51pm
Icons for Dark Plasma Themes __________________________ Icons for Light Plasma Themes [COLOR="#008b8b"] [B]Magna-Light-Icons[/B] [/COLOR]:...

Magna-Light-Icons [Full Icon Themes]

KDE Store - Tue, 2024/01/30 - 6:50pm
Icons for Light Plasma Themes __________________________ Icons for Dark Plasma Themes [COLOR="#008b8b"] [B]Magna-Dark-Icons[/B] [/COLOR]:...

Magna-Light-Icons [Full Icon Themes]

KDE Store - Tue, 2024/01/30 - 6:50pm
Icons for Light Plasma Themes __________________________ Icons for Dark Plasma Themes [COLOR="#008b8b"] [B]Magna-Dark-Icons[/B] [/COLOR]:...