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Vortex-Light-Aurorae [Plasma Window Decorations]

KDE Store - Tue, 2024/06/11 - 12:36pm
[B]Light Window Decorations (Aurorae Theme) [COLOR="#3d73ad"] [B]Vortex Wallpaper[/B] [/COLOR]:...

Noir-Dark-Global [Global Themes (Plasma 5)]

KDE Store - Tue, 2024/06/11 - 11:59am
[B]Dark Plasma Theme, Transparent and Blur. Enabled Blurred Widgets for Plasma 5.23 ___________________ Icons for Dark Plasma Themes...

Breeze-Noir-Dark Plasma Theme [Plasma Themes]

KDE Store - Tue, 2024/06/11 - 11:58am
[B]Dark Plasma Theme, Transparent and Blur. Enabled Blurred Widgets and Adaptive Transparency for for Plasma 5.23 Based on "Breeze" Plasma Theme...

Breeze-Noir-White-Blue Icons [Full Icon Themes]

KDE Store - Tue, 2024/06/11 - 11:57am
[B]Icons for Dark Plasma Theme [COLOR="#2e75bc"] [B]Breeze-Noir-Dark[/B] [/COLOR] , which you can download:...

Breeze-Noir-Dark-Aurorae [Plasma Window Decorations]

KDE Store - Tue, 2024/06/11 - 11:56am
[B]Dark Aurorae Theme, customized for the [COLOR="#2e75bc"] [B]Breeze-Noir-Dark[/B] [/COLOR] Plasma Theme, which you can download:...

Relax-Global [Global Themes (Plasma 5)]

KDE Store - Tue, 2024/06/11 - 11:38am
Dark Rounded Global Theme, Transparent and Blur. Enabled Blurred Widgets and Adaptive Transparency ___________________ Icons [COLOR="#489ab1"]...

Relax-Plasma [Plasma Themes]

KDE Store - Tue, 2024/06/11 - 11:36am
Dark Rounded Plasma Theme, Transparent and Blur. Enabled Blurred Widgets and Adaptive Transparency ___________________ Icons [COLOR="#489ab1"]...

Relax-Dark-Icons [Full Icon Themes]

KDE Store - Tue, 2024/06/11 - 11:35am
Icons for Dark Plasma Theme [COLOR="#489ab1"] [B]Relax-Plasma[/B] [/COLOR] , which you can download:...

Relax-Aurorae [Plasma Window Decorations]

KDE Store - Tue, 2024/06/11 - 11:32am
Dark Round Window Decorations (Aurorae Theme), Customized for the Plasma Theme[COLOR="#489ab1"] [B]Relax-Plasma[/B] [/COLOR], which you can...

Relax-Blur-Aurorae [Plasma Window Decorations]

KDE Store - Tue, 2024/06/11 - 11:31am
BLUR Dark Round Window Decoratons (Aurorae Theme), Customized for the Kvantum Theme[COLOR="#489ab1"] [B]Relax-Kvantum[/B] [/COLOR], which you can...

Lisa [Global Themes (Plasma 6)]

KDE Store - Tue, 2024/06/11 - 10:59am
Look-and-Feel theme. Light global theme, with orange and yellow gradient tones. Panel rounded at its edges. Lisa Plasma theme:...

Lisa [Plasma Themes]

KDE Store - Tue, 2024/06/11 - 10:56am
Light plasma theme, with orange and yellow gradient tones. Light variant of Otto Theme. Lisa Global: https://store.kde.org/p/1370894/ Lisa...

Lisa [Plasma 6 Window Decorations]

KDE Store - Tue, 2024/06/11 - 10:55am
Aurorae theme for plasma theme Lisa. Based on McMojave by Vinceliuice https://github.com/vinceliuice/McMojave-kde

Lisa [Plasma Color Schemes]

KDE Store - Tue, 2024/06/11 - 10:53am
Color Schemes for Lisa Plasma theme Lisa Global: https://store.kde.org/p/1370894/

Lisa [Konsole Color Schemes]

KDE Store - Tue, 2024/06/11 - 10:53am
Konsole Color Schemes for Lisa Plasma theme

Lisa [Kvantum]

KDE Store - Tue, 2024/06/11 - 10:52am
Kvantum theme for Lisa Plasma theme. Based on KvAdaptaDark by Tsu Jan -...

Lisa-V2 [Wallpapers KDE Plasma]

KDE Store - Tue, 2024/06/11 - 10:52am
Suggested wallpaper for Lisa themes. https://store.kde.org/p/1370894/

Lisa-cutefish [Wallpapers KDE Plasma]

KDE Store - Tue, 2024/06/11 - 10:51am
Wallpaper by Lisa plasma theme https://store.kde.org/p/1370894/

Plasma Browser Integration 1.9.1

Planet KDE - Tue, 2024/06/11 - 10:35am

I’m pleased to announce the immediate availability of Plasma Browser Integration version 1.9.1 on the Firefox Web Store. This is the Firefox release of version 1.9 that was released way back in November 2023. We’re not sure how it got stuck in Add-on review and that we didn’t realize this but whatever the reason, it’s out now! This is a maintenance release shipping a couple of important changes as well as the usual translation updates. The extension is of course fully supported under Plasma 6!

Dark blue space background with stars, a cute dragon wearing a red bandana with a "K" on it, sitting ontop of the Earth which has a blue network cable plugged in whose lose end is squiggling around the KDE Plasma logoKonqi surfing the world wide web

Plasma Browser Integration bridges the gap between your browser and the Plasma desktop. It lets you share links, find browser tabs and visited websites in KRunner, monitor download progress in the notification center, and control music and video playback anytime from within Plasma, or even from your phone using KDE Connect!

The next release will likely be version 2.0 ported to Manifest v3 since Chrome has continued their roll-out of enforcing the new manifest version soon. We’re still trying to find a way to keep a unified code base supporting both Firefox and Chrome. Chrome for example requires service workers for the extension now while Firefox continues to support only background pages. Recent Firefox and Chrome releases seem to support each other’s manifest properties, though, therefore we’re confident to make this work without introducing browser-specific git branches.

What’s new?

If you’re a Firefox user, check out the previous version announcement for more details on what’s new:

  • Reworked page injection code (e.g. fixes Spotify)
  • Port away from deprecated InstallTrigger
  • “Share…” menu now also on tab context menu
  • Tabs runner queries only “normal” windows (no apps)
  • History runner skips “blob” URLs
  • Check native messaging host before sending to it (fixes annoying console warnings on unsupported platforms, e.g. Windows)
  • Prettier console debug output
  • Performance and resource usage improvements

(also see the Changelog Page on our Community Wiki)

Sora Cursor [Cursors]

KDE Store - Tue, 2024/06/11 - 4:38am
Sora @/soraorbit [X/Twitter]. It was made by Noiire https://ko-fi.com/noiire/ https://twitter.com/noiireism/status/1677484700594765824. I'm just...