
People Behind KDE: Debian Qt/KDE Packagers

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A special treat on tonight's People Behind KDE as we bring you the Debian Qt KDE Packagers. A whole seven interviews in one! How are those packages made and kept up to date? What would the packagers like in KDE 4? What customisations do Debian's finest make to their own desktops? And do they prefer RMS or Linus?

People Behind KDE: András Mantia

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We know him as a Romanian developer for Quanta and contributor to several other KDE projects. His cat began to catch birds some time ago and he calls himself a local-patriot. His wife may not be into KDE coding but he would make sure she was if he had to be stuck on an island with a KDE developer. Tonight's People Behind KDE interview is with András Mantia.

KOffice In The Workplace

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In an interview with KDE's Jess Hall, Raphael Langerhorst talks about his experiences using KOffice in a Microsoft dominated world.

"The question everyone is asking is, are Open Source office suites really able to survive in a Microsoft world? KDE developer Raphael Langerhorst's experience at home, university and in the business world shows us the future is bright for KDE's KOffice suite."

Free Remote KDE Desktops from

Dot Categories: offers free remote KDE desktops over NX. Anyone can sign up to have their own desktop accessible from any computer with a network connection. CosmoPOP uses KDE's Kiosk framework to ensure security for their system. To find out more about the service and why KDE was the chosen desktop, KDE Dot News spoke to the man behind CosmoPOD, Stephen Ensor. Read on for the interview.

Nokia Engineers on KHTML, Collaboration and aKademy

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So, you have KDE on your desktop and laptop systems, you've heard
that Apple uses KDE components for its web browser Safari and you've
tried Konq/Embedded on your handheld. But did you know that KDE could
soon be making its way into your mobile phone? At aKademy in August
David Carson and Deepika Chauhan from Nokia presented the work they've