Feed aggregator

Wings-Light-Aurorae [Plasma Window Decorations]

KDE Store - Wed, 2024/07/31 - 10:37am
Light Rounded Window Decorations (Aurorae Theme), Follows Color Scheme (Window Background) Light Rounded Plasma Theme, Transparent and Blur, ...

Wings-Blur-Light-Aurorae [Plasma Window Decorations]

KDE Store - Wed, 2024/07/31 - 10:36am
BLUR Light Rounded Window Decoration (Aurorae Theme), Follows Color Scheme (Window Background) Light Rounded Plasma Theme, Transparent and Blur, ...

Home Assistant [Plasma 6 Applets]

KDE Store - Wed, 2024/07/31 - 10:03am
Add Home Assistant to your plasma desktop. [b]Features[/b] [list] [*]Show entity state or attribute [*]Call services [*]Notify about entity...

Home Assistant [Plasma 5 Applets]

KDE Store - Wed, 2024/07/31 - 9:42am
Add Home Assistant to your plasma desktop. [b]Features[/b] [list] [*]Show entity state or attribute [*]Call services [*]Notify about entity...

ChatAI [Plasma 6 Applets]

KDE Store - Wed, 2024/07/31 - 9:31am
A range of chatbots as Plasmoid for your KDE Plasma desktop. The chats included are: - DuckDuckGo Chat - ChatGPT - HugginChat - Google Gemini -...

EndeavourOS Purple Grid Rounded [Plasma 6 Splashscreens]

KDE Store - Wed, 2024/07/31 - 4:09am
Splashscreen for Plasma 6

EndeavourOS Purple Grid [Plasma 6 Splashscreens]

KDE Store - Wed, 2024/07/31 - 3:59am
Splashscreen for KDE Plasma 6

Sweet Mars KDE [Global Themes (Plasma 5)]

KDE Store - Wed, 2024/07/31 - 1:14am
A dark and modern theme for Plasma [h2][B][color=#FF0000]¡IMPORTANT![/color][/B][/h2] [B] Hi, if you are really enjoying these themes from me and ...

Candy icons [Full Icon Themes]

KDE Store - Tue, 2024/07/30 - 11:18pm
Sweet gradient icon theme originally created to fit my [url=https://www.gnome-look.org/p/1253385/]Sweet[/url]...

Candy icons [Full Icon Themes]

KDE Store - Tue, 2024/07/30 - 11:18pm
Sweet gradient icon theme originally created to fit my [url=https://www.gnome-look.org/p/1253385/]Sweet[/url]...

Commonality Sol [Plasma Color Schemes]

KDE Store - Tue, 2024/07/30 - 11:17pm
Part of global theme.

Commonality Sol [Plasma Color Schemes]

KDE Store - Tue, 2024/07/30 - 11:17pm
Part of global theme.

Commonality Sol [Plasma Themes]

KDE Store - Tue, 2024/07/30 - 11:14pm
Part of global theme.

Commonality Sol [Plasma Themes]

KDE Store - Tue, 2024/07/30 - 11:14pm
Part of global theme.

GPG Key Update

Planet KDE - Tue, 2024/07/30 - 10:00pm

Quick note that the yearly extend-the-expiry-of-my-GPG-key has happened early this year, as I realised that my GPG information on FreeBSD infrastructure was outdated. This doesn’t extend the Calamares signing-subkey (not yet) but does add new EC subkeys if that’s your kind of thing. The Calamares signing-subkey is valid until November 2024.

Get the exported public key block here.

Kde Plasma - Quiet lake and trees [Wallpapers KDE Plasma]

KDE Store - Tue, 2024/07/30 - 9:08pm
- 1920 x 1080 Two wallpapers: "Kde" and "Kde Plasma"

Kde Plasma - Quiet lake and trees [Wallpapers KDE Plasma]

KDE Store - Tue, 2024/07/30 - 9:08pm
- 1920 x 1080 Two wallpapers: "Kde" and "Kde Plasma"

Kde Plasma - High contrast sunny landscape [Wallpapers KDE Plasma]

KDE Store - Tue, 2024/07/30 - 9:02pm
- 1920 × 1080 Original wallpaper: [url]https://www.pling.com/p/2179992/[/url]

Kde Plasma - High contrast sunny landscape [Wallpapers KDE Plasma]

KDE Store - Tue, 2024/07/30 - 9:02pm
- 1920 × 1080 Original wallpaper: [url]https://www.pling.com/p/2179992/[/url]

Nordic KDE [Global Themes (Plasma 5)]

KDE Store - Tue, 2024/07/30 - 7:17pm
Nordic is a dark theme created using the awesome [url=https://github.com/arcticicestudio/nord]Nord[/url] color...