
Quickies: Radio Amarok, 12 KDE Tips, Asus' KDE Laptop, PyQt4 Book

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The Radio Amarok Team is looking for a new design, and they have decided to leave it up to you on how it should look. *** Bruce Byfield, of Datamation has written a several page article titled, 12 Tips for KDE Users. Bruce covers the KDE Printer Dialogue to using Klipper and configuring virtual desktops.

Quickies: Awards to Enter, Magnatune Hires Amarok Developer, and an Old Interview from the Time Machine

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A few quickies again this week: the 4th Trophées du Libre (International Free Software Awards) contest is open. Please consider submitting your favourite KDE applications since the award is some €3000 in each category. Also new this week: Nikolaj Hald Nielsen has announced that he is being hired full time to work on Amarok, courtesy of the Magnatune music store. (Don't worry, this doesn't exclude support for other music stores).

Quickies: KDE e.V. Presidential Address, KHTML and WebKit, Qt4 Book, KDE4 on Mac Visuals

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A number of KDE related news stories are floating about the interweb today, so here's a quick round-up. Aaron Seigo writes his KDE e.V. Presidential Address on his blog in an effort to force the e.V. to be more transparent about their activities.

Quickies: Birmingham, Releases, Turkish Magazine, LightScribe and K3b

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Birmingham City Council released a case study for their open source desktop trial. Buried in the 67 page document is the reason for choosing KDE: quick to configure and the bouncing launch feedback cursor. *** For developers Trolltech released Qt 4.2.2 and Kitware released CMake 2.4.5.